Illuminated Sparkles Org

GoGreen - GoBlue - GoClean

Help The Planet

One of the best alternatives if you’re thinking of Helping The Planet Further


Little Interview

Climate change will never take an end, but what is to prevent is the ongoing wrong direction of climate change!
Therefore Illuminated Sparkles Org – With Help The Planet Projetc’s GoGreen-GoBlue-GoClean want’s to fulfill part of a wrong ongoing direction of a climate change towards our nature and the pollution on this planet in some most needed areas and in some cases in some least needed areas.

Our Planet Earth

A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people and to our animal’s and to nature itself.
With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you’re connected to the sea (Our Ocean). No matter where on Earth you live. 80% of the oxygen in the atmosphere is generated by the sea (Our Ocean).
Earth is the only planet we know of to support our lifes & its natural features are the subject of many fields.
Within the Solar System, it is third closest to the Sun, it is the largest terrestrial planet & the fifth largest overall we know. Keep Earth Green & Blue & Clean
These are Important Planetary Quotes To Understand Why These Subject’s Are Really Important For Us And Our Planetary Creatures Life’s And For Our Planet’s Life As We Know It!

Nature Is Wonderfull

Illuminated Sparkles Org